Virgin Atlantic

The ultimate in air travel, and at a special-offer rate too. That's virgin atlantic for you. Yes the check-in queues were really bothersome and it would've been nice if they started handing out those wet tissues and glasses of water from the queues then and there, but still they more than made up for it.
15 minutes past take-off, I was listening to some of the best songs I hadn't heard in a very, very long time. And some that I had. There was the regular Coldplay and Oasis latest, but other than that Kylie Minogue's breathe (last heard at junior year in undergrad, or was it senior year?), confide in me and can't get you outta my head, Guns N Roses' November Rain, You could be mine (I double checked if the sound was disturbing my neighbours, but one was snoring and the other engrossed in the news) and Don't Cry (They can remove that track from their v-port system. You could be returning from (or headed to) a battlefield but you prob'ly won't cry here). Escapism at its best.
Saw Walk the Line again (given the chance of watching a nice movie again, or a recommended movie anew, I guess I would do the former). And then it came. Rang De Basanti. This many had recommended earlier, but little did I know I'd manage to see it up in the skies. AR Rahman's soundtrack over some really crisp cinematography and a story that was both slick and real at twenty thousand feet.
Life should be a series of virgin atlantic flights.
Tips: Decide early on what you have to watch and start soon. Time really flies up there on a VS flight. Also try the DIY check-in (online check-in). Alternatively, just sit down near the queue. An hour before departure they're start going to call passengers for the flight anyway. Just rush to the short queue for your flight then.
And take some coke. There's a reason why you don't see Virgin Cola outside a virgin atlantic plane.
This is a test comment being written from inside the Islamic Republic Pakistan where blogs are normally blocked but these folks have come up with a nifty re-routing idea.
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