Okay. For sometime uptil this week, I was having the perfect student life. Assignments weren't a problem. Papers were easy to read through (relatively). And classes were making sense.
Right now, and since the past couple of days, I feel like the same ol' student again. Too many things to do. So little time. I start with one and lose the pencil. I switch to the other and feel like having tea. I have tea and realize its 2 am and I was supposed to go back to normal-human schedule today.
Is it the cold weather?
Is it the protein-rich (non-veg, non-salad) food (finally!)?
Procrastination avenue is here again. Whatever I'm doing, I seem to find some other (unacademic) material to view, read (eat?) that is so much more interesting. Have finished Scott Adams "God's Debris," half a dozen cricket articles, some politics, and half of "Confronting the Evidence: A call to reopen the 9-11 investigation" DVD this lady was giving outside the neo-con seminar (see "None" below) last week.
I say this all here to make an announcement: No more interesting unacademic material for the near future until the end of the term (except for Cricket results/bulletins. Matches against England are just too relevant to ignore).